Unable to create target directory.

The Instance view provides the button   (Build and Load Application) to load the application to the selected PLC. Neuron Power Engineer cannot load the application under certain circumstances but reports Unable to create target directory. Moreover, the Error Log view displays such messages: A resource exists with a different case: path/file.c

Proceed as follows:

  1. Delete the folders with the code already created for the project:

    1. Select the project in the project explorer.

    2. In menu Navigate or from the context menu of the editor, select Show in and System Explorer.

    3. Go into the folder of the project and delete these folders: src-gen and target

  2. Back in Neuron Power Engineer: In menu Project, select Clean..., in the dialog, select the provided project and click OK.

  3. Load the application anew: Click  .

More useful information: Disabled button "Build and Load Application"